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Katya Dashina, Sterlitamak Russia

First Name:Katya
Last Name:Dashina
Birth Date:September 10, 1984
Hairs color:Blond
Eyes color:Hazel
Children:Has no children

  • (28, 11, 06)

    This is the girl, listed as katya ivanova, she also goes by
    katya dashina same girl, other sites too with different birthdays ect.

  • (28, 11, 06)

    she is on a bunch of sites with various
    dates of birth and names
    it really does make it difficult for a nice guy to really meet a nice girl,
    when you have these guys around

  • Jimmy
  • (7, 12, 06)

    she is also katya britan, katya pushkin, and also some name like gulya somewhere too

  • Tommy
  • (19, 12, 06)

    I have corrosponded with this girl for a couple of months. Never once did she ask for money. As a matter of fact, I tried a couple of times to send her some for special occasions, she said it was inconvenient to her. It seemed difficult to me with the language barrier, so I do not corrospond as much, but never mislead me at all, no I love you's or stuff like that, seems just like a normal young woman to me. Only thing she is probably guilty of is breaking my heart

  • John
  • (5, 12, 06)

    She is also on and and others.

  • To Tommy above
  • (10, 3, 07)

    awwww... that is so cute, obviously she has decided to go straight and never to try to trick another single dollar from a man - every again. I am so sorry that it did not work out, but well done you !!! It will probably be the language barrier, it was simply too difficult for her. She now rustles up a few crusts in Russian arm wrestling. Well done again :-)