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Type the characters you see in the picture:

Katya Shishkina, Samara Russia

First Name:Katya
Last Name:Shishkina
Birth Date:January 10, 1978
Hairs color:Blond
Eyes color:Brown
Children:Has no children

  • (15, 1, 06)


    I'm very frustrated and upset. I have been corresponding with member
    for the past few weeks and it turns our she's a scammer. It's
    actually a guy who's using this girl's photo and pretending to be a girl
    from Samara who works at a local flower shop.

    Her emails are full of flowery language with professions of deep love after
    only 3 letters. The user copies and pastes their emails to me from other
    sources. Half the email will be in perfect English and the other half in the
    usual broken syntax.
    This scammer is using the "visa & passport/tickets" method to get money from
    me. I traced the IP address and the user lied about where they lived and
    where the emails were coming from. Further, the user rarely answered the
    questions in my emails.

    This has been a very frustrating process. Please remove this user from your
    site and put them on your black list. I've already reported this user and
    their IP address to authorities. A response to this message would be great.
    Thank you.
