Oksana Boyko, Kiev Ukraine

First Name:Oksana
Last Name:Boyko
Birth Date:June 4, 1984
Hairs color:Fair
Eyes color:Brown
Children:Has no children

  • (18, 8, 05)

    Dear Bobby!
    Forgive, that I to not write to you so long. It was the problem for
    me. Today I to come to the Internet of cafe and to receive letters
    from you. It was very pleasant for me. Your attention gives to me of
    force and confidence of. I hope, that with All of you it is fine, and
    you enjoy a life. But your help and if you love me is necessary for
    me, I know, that you will help me as soon as possible while it
    probably.Now I have a problem. Operation on my favourite teet h is
    necessary for me. It is necessary for me to delete my wisdom tooth (8
    tooth). I hoped, that it it is possible to avoid, but it not so. Today
    I was at the doctor, and it has told, that it is necessary for me to
    do operation as soon as possible. I ask your help because my parents
    have left on rest, and my pain very strong. I have temperature, and I
    cannot talk. I to ask the sister to help, to me to reach in the
    Internet of cafe to write to you the letter. I know, that you will
    help me. It is necessary for me to pay operation. 150 $ and I ask you
    to send cost of operation to me of money as soon as possible. To me
    really it is very sick. I hope for your help.