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Gulnar Barieva, Kazan Russia

First Name:Gulnar
Last Name:Barieva
Birth Date:August 24, 1978
Hairs color:Chestnut
Eyes color:Hazel
Children:Has no children

  • (19, 9, 05)

    she changes occupation, date of birth and photos, hair color, eye color, the age of the men that she "likes", she has also become good in German in one week .... she is on many sites

    she has changed her address and telephone number and email also. None of the telephones are valid, the new mobile telephone is registered to a mobile network in "Vietnam" !!!!

    This is a new scammer. I had her writing to me and "falling in love" a little and then she went quiet, she had been picked up on the original email address. The trick is to send a few "internet cards" saying hello, etc, the scammers never open them, this one did not either.

    Will you shut her down please and blacklist her and I will contact all the other sites and contact Western Union also, thankyou :-)